About CTE

The Aerospace and Research Center (CRAE) is the tool of the Universitat Politècnica de catalunya (UPC) to foster R&D in the Aeronautics and Space fileds, by increasing the collaboration between UPC groups and acquiring the critical mass required for large projects.


CTE-CRAE is UPC's window to the world for Aeronautics and Space activities and articulates the participation of UPC researchers within the Institut d'Estudis Espacials de Catalunya (IEEC: http://www.ieec.fcr.es/).

Research topics of the CTE research groups include:

  • Space sector:
    • Astrodynamics (Orbital mechanics).
    • Microgravity environment.
    • Instrumentation and biomechanical engineering.
    • Antennas and RF subsystems.
    • Optical communications in free space.
    • Satellite navigation.
    • Astronomy.
    • Earth observation.