Research Groups

Groups associated to CRAE

Brief description of the activities of research groups.

  • The group's aim is to contribute to the progress of scientific knowledge, the training of specialised staff and the dissemination of technological advances in the field of modelling and monitoring complex systems, and their application to problems related to the generation, conditioning, management and storage of electrical energy. 
  • The group aims to improve the efficiency of high-performance computing systems. To that end, it employs a variety of approaches that require a certain level of cooperation and integration: microarchitecture and multiprocessor architecture, compilers, operating systems, analysis, visualization and prediction tools, algorithms and applications. When measuring efficiency, in addition to the traditional approach that takes the execution time into account, we use metrics that consider design factors such as cycle time, area and power dissipation of the processor and memory hierarchy, scalability of the microarchitecture and multiprocessor organization, system correctness, probability and ease of use of programming models, and performance when running on multiuser, multiprogrammed and distributed environment, among others.
  • The main aim is to contribute to industrial development by fostering innovation and incorporating new technologies, as strategies for competitiveness, in the fields of light alloys and surface engineering.
  • The aim is to conduct R&D, training and technological innovation in the fields of integrity (fatigue, fracture, contact, etc.) micromechanics and the reliability of materials. Scientific and technological experience of the researchers on this group allows to advice in the selection and processing of materials focusing in the relationship between microstructure and mechanical properties. The knowledge and capability for conducting a great variety of mechanical properties from macro to nano scale leads to determine the behavior of materials and industrial components under service conditions and its subsequently fracture analysis.
  • The aim of this research line is to understand the dynamics of preturbulent flows and the transition to fully developed turbulence. As a natural extension of this, it also addresses problems related to the nonlinear dynamics of waves, complex systems and pattern formation. Most of the research is carried out in the fields of geophysics, oceanography, atmospheric dynamics and environmental fluid dynamics, although the mathematical modeling of waves, fronts, pulses and defects in physical and biological systems is also currently the subject of research. Examples of current research include thermal convection, turbulence in stratified fluids, flows in rotating systems, turbulent diffusion and mixing, sediment transport, gravity currents, etc. The most frequently used techniques in theoretical work are direct numerical simulation, normal form reduction and amplitude-type equations. The most widely used technique in practical work is the digital image processing of data obtained in laboratory experiments.
  • The group's aim is to integrate, into a multidisciplinary group, the research carried out at the University in the fields of partial differential equations and other boundary problems in mathematical physics, cohomological and homotopical aspects of algebraic varieties, dynamic systems and astrodynamics, mathematical systems theory and its applications to the study of perturbations of linear systems, as well as the numerical modeling of all these topics.
  • The bulk of the group's activities involve the study of stellar evolution using numerical codes. The simulations encompass those natural phenomena that may potentially affect the latest stages of the evolution of massive and intermediate-mass stars. Several of the most important phenomena are hydrodynamic, nuclear and electromagnetic processes. The group therefore studies the evolutionary processes that lead to compact objects (white dwarfs, neurtron stars and black holes) as well as to catastrophic outcomes (novae and supernovae explosions). A further area of interest deals with the observational and theoretical study of bipolar nebulae and the jets of material ejected from Herbig-Haro objects. Several of the group's researchers are university lecturers in astronomy and are also dedicated to the dissemination of the space sciences to wider, non-specialised audiences.
  • IONSAT aims for research, development and prototyping in the field of precise ionospheric determination (such as electronic content, ionospheric waves, signatures of solar flares, scintillation and earthquake-related signals), space meteorology, and precision navigation, based on systems of satellites (such as those for global navigation, -GPS, GLONASS, Galileo or Beidou-, and extensions such as WAAS, EGNOS, MSAS or GAGAN, or altimeters such as JASON2).
  • In frame of aeronautics and astronautics, materials science has historically played a relevant role. One of the goals of the group is to bring together recent findings in nanotechnology into aerospace sector. Particularly, this group's research is focused on metastable and nanocrystalline materials. The group studies the production processes and the micro-structural development leading to the final properties of these materials. Our research aims at the synthesis and characterization of the properties of promising nanoparticles, metallic glasses, oxide glasses on ceramic substates, multi-component materials and micro or nanostructured materials.
  • GIES - Geofísica i Enginyeria Sísmica. (Geophysics and Earthquake Engineering)
    The group’s aims are research, outreach, training and results transfer in fields related to geophysics and earthquake engineering.
  • GRECEAM - Grup de Recerca en Contaminació per Emissió Acústica i en Mecànica. (Mechanics and Noise Pollution Research Group)
    The aim of the research group is to study the effect of noise on the environment and on human activity. The group analyses and models systems for the absorption and reduction of sound propagation and characterises the effects of noise on hearing. The group also works on solutions that counter the noise and vibrations produced by mechanical systems.
  • Research on novel sensors and on measurement methods based on electrical impedance variations, and on their electronic interfaces for signal conditioning and processing. Particular interest on macrosensors based on low-cost technologies, autonomous and smart sensors, sensor networks, analog signal processing, data acquisition systems, impedance spectroscopy and tomography, noise and interference reduction in instrumentation, noninvasive physiological measurements and biotelemetry. Technology transfer in sensors and engineering measurement systems.
  • The ICARUS group works on the Unmanned Aircraft Systems research topic (UAS) and on the Air Traffic Management (ATM). In the UAS area the target is the development of systems that allow UAS efficient operations in the civil world. Also, the group is working on the identification of high added value applications for UAS utility demonstrator. The UAS airspace integration is also a target of the group. A short term target is to build a prototype of a UAS capable ti fly autonomously to obtain useful data for end users which are not experr on aeronautics. Technical research topics are: the aircraft, the avionics, the grouns devices, communications and the software which creates the useful service out of these systems. In the ATM area the group is proposing new operative procedures that minimize the environmental impact of the general aviation and that will not compromise the economics requirements of the airliners. Also the procedures must mantain or enhance the security of the airspace.
  • Hardware and software design of measurement systems based on electrical impedance, ultrasound or infrared radiation. Analog and digital signal processing applied to biomedical signals. Low-noise electronic design and electromagnetic compatibility.
  • The group’s aims are the following: 1) To carry out research and technology transfer activities. To achieve results that contribute to the progress of the fields of aeronautical and industrial engineering. These objectives are supported by the multidisciplinary potential, both in terms of human resources and material, of the ETSEIT, as well as the expertise in aeronautics that has been made available by the introduction of the new degree in this field. The research group will ensure that all of the School’s new academic and research staff in the field of aeronautical engineering will have an adequate framework and infrastructure in which to carry out their research. 2) To promote and facilitate the academic and research staff’s work. The group, which is directed and supervised by the School, is open to all staff members who wish to participate. 3) To collaborate with other research groups at the ETSEIT and at UPC in general. The ETSEIT holds a privileged position that enables it to unite forces, particularly those of the School’s various research groups, which will undoubtedly result in comprehensive, practical and high-quality research.
  • Laboratori de Càlcul Numèric (LaCàN) is a group of people in the Department of Matemàtica Aplicada III, a department of the Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC). The UPC has an active program in research and graduate studies in the areas of Computational Mechanics and Numerical Methods. In particular, the LaCàN is active in Computer Methods in Applied Sciences and Engineering. This is a very wide area involving deep understanding of numerical analysis and engineering.
  • The goal of LITEM is to assist industry in all those activities of research, development and innovation that require design, analysis, testing or certification of materials and structures with remarkable strength capabilities.
  • (MC)2 - Grup de Mecànica Computacional en Medis Continus. (Group of Computational Mechanics on Continuous Medium)
    The objective of this group is to institutionally consolidate the academic relationship of researchers who have been working together for more than 17 years. The members of this group are currently participating in 14 national projects and 20 European projects. They have also collaborated in the teaching of 60 courses (of between 30 and 40 hours each), 220 seminars and 51 international conferences. The establishment of this group will enable its researchers to propose and carry out joint projects under its name and with a critical mass that will allow them to take on greater challenges within their basic and applied research.
  • The MCIA Center staff is from the Aerospace and Industrial Engineering Schools of Terrassa. The center activities are diversified and not only is done basic research projects, but also applied research and technology transfer industry. The areas of work and key knowledge of the group can be summarized in the following main points: Aeronautic Systems; Control and diagnosis of elecro-mechanical systems; Monitoring systems, Industrial monitoring and diagnosis; Industrial Instrumentation and communications systems; Applied Electronics for Transportation Systems; Energy Optimization.
  • MECMAT - Mecànica i Nanotecnologia de Materials d'Enginyeria. (Mechanics and Nanotechnology of Engineering Materials)
    The study of engineering materials on various scales of observation, from nano to macro, with an emphasis on their mechanical behaviour, diffusion, deterioration, durability and coupled processes, using numerical and experimental techniques, as well as the corresponding groundwork and theoretical study.
  • MMAC - Models Matemàtics aplicats a les ciencies humanes i de la natura. (Mathematical Models Applied to Human and Nature Sciences) 
    Analysis, development and application of mathematical models for the study of problems within the scope areas of the group: Numerical analysis, Astrophtsics, Celestial Mechanics, Psychology, Seismology and Dynamical Systems.
  • The group focuses on research in modelling, visualisation and advanced graphics interaction and its application to virtual reality. The group?s objectives are the following: - To produce high-quality research results in the areas of visualisation, geometric and volumetric modelling, physically based animation, virtual reality and advanced interaction. - To train new researchers and doctoral students in these areas. - To foster and maintain strong international cooperation. - To work on relevant research projects funded by various institutions (EU, CICYT, etc.) - To transfer the results of the group?s research and VR applications (virtual prototypes for industrial design, medical applications, architecture, cultural heritage, low-cost VR systems, etc.) to industry and other organisations.
  • The group studies out-of-equilibrium systems by means of nonlinear dynamics techniques and their application to the self-organisation of complex systems, spatiotemporal pattern formation, biophysical systems, materials science, nanometric devices, studies and measurements in architectural and environmental acoustics and energetic efficiency in buildings.
  • The Research group in Technology of polymers and composites carries out research activities in the main following areas: Mechanical and fracture behavior of polymeric systems; thermoplastic processing technology; development of new polymeric systems, nanocomposites and smart polymeric and in the compounding and compatibilization of recycled polymers. The research is closely integrated with a continuing educational program that has a direct impact on the education of a diverse population of students and teachers. 
  • QINE - Disseny de Baix Consum, Test, Verificació i Toleràncies a Fallades. (Low Power Design, Test, Verification and Fault Tolerance)
    Recent advances in the manufacture of electronic circuits have enabled an increase in the integration levels of integrated circuits (ICs), which currently perform highly complex functions at a low cost. In addition, the performance of these ICs is steadily increasing and, according to the International Roadmap for Semiconductors (IRS), this trend is expected to continue during the coming decade. The general aim of the research group is to make advances in new design methodologies for electronic circuits and systems, and to increase their quality by ensuring their correct functionality. The objectives of the research are threefold: to make advances in design techniques for low-power circuits in nanometric CMOS technologies; to innovate in testing and auto-testing methods for analogue, digital and mixed-signal circuits; and to devise techniques that enhance functionality, by means of the tolerance of faults that might escape standard circuit and system testing methods.
  • The Remote Sensing Research Group is organized in three lines, Active Remote Sensing, Passive Remote Sensing, and Optical Remote Sensing, each with their own staff and resources.
  • Advanced Control Systems is a research group of the Technical University of Catalonia (UPC). The beginning of the SAC group dates from the late 80's and was acknowledged as a 'consolidated research group' in 1998. the members of SAC are teachers and researchers of the following departments: Automatic Control and Computer Engineering Department, Institute of Roborics and Industrial Informatics, Applied Mathmatics II and Fluid Mechanics.
    The main activities of group SAC are centered arround the following main topics: Advanced control; modeling, identification and simulation of uncertain systems; supervision and fault diagnosis of industrial processes; fault tolerant systems; problem solution using optimisation and constraint satisfaction tools. Recent research in the aeronautics field include a contract on Fault tolerant control with Boeing, and autonomy enhancement of helicopter UAVs through identification, control and vision.
  • These research activities and technology projects are supported by the Spanish and Regional Governments, National/International Industries and European projects. The staff is composed of 3 Professors, 7 Associated Professors, 2 Assistant Professor and 13 Research Assistants. The group is responsible for undergraduate teaching in signal processing and communications at the UPCTelecommunication Schools ETSETB (Barcelona), EPSC (Castelldefels), EUPVG (Vilanova i la Geltrú) and under the TSC Doctoral Program.
  • Main objectives are: To carry out research and give support to the companies in their activities of R+D+I in the following areas: 1.POWER ELECTRONICS Desing and control of power converters, PWM modulation techniques. Advanced topologies for converters:multilevel,matrix,etc. 2.-RENEWABLE ENERGIES Eolic and photovoltaic energy. Integration into the network of distributed generation systems. Application of power electronics to the development of renewable energy systems. 3.-POWER QUALITY Measurement and compensation of disturbances in supply systems. Measurement of quality of the electrical network. Active, passive and hybrid filters. Measuring instruments. Digital Signal Processing (DSP) techniques applied to the measure of electrical distubances. Compensation of reactive energy. 4.-ELECTROMAGNETIC INTERFERENCES (EMI) AND ELECTROMAGNETIC COMPATIBILITY (EMC) EMI modelling in components and PCB. Techniques of EMI diagnosis. EMC in industrial plants and vehicles (boats/ships, aircraft, railway and car).